Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Time spent with Jesus. Can anything else be so productive? The gift of the Eucharist nourishes us in the most extraordinary of ways. Saint John Paul ll beautifully expresses how the Body of Christ has been the foundation of his faith.
“The Eucharist is the secret of my day. It gives strength and meaning to all my activities of service to the Church and to the whole world … Let Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament speak to your hearts. It is he who is the true answer of life that you seek. He stays here with us: He is God with us. Seek him without tiring; welcome him without reserve; love him without interruption: today, tomorrow, forever!” — Address to young people of Bologna, Italy, Sept. 27, 1997
We are looking for people with a genuine commitment to bringing Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament back to the community in a more consistent and dedicated manner.
We are looking for people who are willing to commit to offering some time to keep the Adoration Chapel at St. Therese in Dieppe. We are also committed at St. Augustine’s to offering Adoration on Wednesday evenings beginning in May and continuing our Thursday evening Adoration between 7-8 at St. Lawrence O’Toole.
Should you or your parish be willing to join us, please contact us at St. Augustine’s at 506-857-4223.