Calendrier des événements

jeudi | 18h30

Laudato Si is a letter from Pope Francis that he writes to everyone on the planet, urging all of us to protect the earth, our common home.  In his wisdom, Pope Francis suggests that human life is grounded in three important and intertwined (entangled) relationships:

with God - with our neighbour - with the earth itself

A young Franciscan Friar, Daniel Horan, has taken it upon himself to help us all better understand Laudato Si.  Please plan to join us on Thursday, November 16th at 6:30 p.m. as we gather together at St. Bernard’s Church Hall (basement) to watch Part 1 of
Friar Daniel’s series, ‘Understanding Laudato Si’.  This is a short 20-minute video that we can all watch, and then discuss, together. 

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