Calendrier des événements

samedi | 12h00

Catholic Social Teaching – The Solution to Polarization

CAPP Canada (Centisimus Annus Pro Pontifice) will be offering a series of virtual workshops around the theme of Catholic Social Teaching. 

•          March 25th @ 12:00 pm, “The Wisdom of Fratelli Tutti In a Woke Culture”, presented by Dr. Andrea Bartoli (Sant Egidio Foundation for Peace and Dialogue)

•          April 22nd @ 12:00 pm, “The Environment & Human Dignity”, presented by Dr. John Zucchi (McGill University)

•          May 27th @ 12:00 pm, “Magnanimity: A Virtue for Polarized Times”, presented by Alexandre Havard (Virtuous Leadership Institute)

Visit for more information and to register.

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