Ecclesiastical Appointment for the Diocese of Moncton
Published : 2024-06-21 a 15h00 |
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As of August 1, 2024, the following appointments will be effective for the following priests.
- Father Louis-Joseph Boudreau will take a well-deserved retirement from parish ministry after many years of service in the Diocese of Moncton. Father Jackson Fabius is appointed priest moderator for the Unité pastorale Saint-Esprit, comprising the parishes of Saint-Henri (Barachois); Sacré-Coeur (Haute Aboujagane); Sainte-Thérèse d'Avila (Cap-Pelé/ Shemogue). Father Savio Mazerolle will continue as assistant priest with Father Jackson Fabius.
- Father Aduel Joachin is assigned as dominical vicar for the John Paul II Pastoral Unit, which includes the following parishes: Notre-Dame-de-l 'Assomption (Cathedral); Notre-Dame-de- Grâce, Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix, and Christ-Roi. In addition, he will serve the priests of the diocese as a substitute from time to time. He will collaborate with Father Wislais Simervil, moderator.
- Father Jean Bernard Mallais is named chaplain of the two Moncton hospitals, from Wednesday to Sunday.
- Father Damien Nwachukwu is appointed administrator of the parishes of St-Bernard (Moncton); St-Vincent (Sackvillle); St-Clement (Port Elgin). He will be assisted by Father Juan, Carlos Jacinto.
- Father Charles Broderick will be taking a well-deserved retirement from parish ministry in these parishes, where he has been assistant and administrator over the years.
- Father Mikély Jn SIMON, CSC, is appointed assistant priest in the parishes of Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Bouctouche), Sainte-Anne de Kent, Sainte-Marie and Saint Paul, beginning at mid-August with Father Jean-Guy Dallaire as moderator.
+Most Rev. Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R.
Archbishop of Moncton