The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace is the official international solidarity organization of the Church in Canada and is a Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis. Its objectives, inspired by the Gospel values and in particular a “preferential option for the poor”, focus on supporting the actions of the people of the global South so that they may take control of their future while at the same time helping to make Canadians aware of the inequalities between the global north and south.

During the last 50 years, Development and Peace supported some 15,200 local initiatives in such fields as agriculture, education, community action, peace consolidation and the defence of human rights in 70 countries. This represents a contribution of 531 million dollars. Of this amount, 130 million dollars went to emergency measures.

Two annual national campaigns are organized. The fall campaign serves to awaken the Canadian population to the causes of the emproverishment of people and to mobilize Canadians to action for change. The second campaign, called ‘Share Lent’, is the annual campaign that gathers funds for developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.

Bertrand LeBlanc, 758-2253


Nicolas B. KALGORA

Animateur au Nouveau-Brunswick | Animator in New- Brunswick

+1  506 801-0440 #239 |


224, St George #104 Moncton, NB E1C 0V1  CANADA |

Development and Peace

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