Past Archbishops













Mgr Arthur Melanson

First Archbishop of Moncton (1936-1942)


      Mgr Arthur Melanson was born in Trois-Rivières, Québec, on March 25 1879. Most Reverend Arthur Melanson died at the age of 62 at Hôtel-Dieu hospital in Campbellton on October 23, 1941, after a lengthy illness.






Mgr Norbert Robichaud

Second Archbishop Moncton (1942 – 1972)


   Mgr Norbert Robichaud was boen April 1, 1905 in Saint-Charles-de-Kent, NB. Most Reverend Norbert Robichaud died at the Dumont Hospital in Moncton on October 21, 1979 following a lengthy illness at the age of 74. 





Mgr Donat Chiasson

Third Archbishop Moncton (1972 – 1997)



    Most Reverend Donat Chiasson was born January 2, 1930 in Paquetville, a small village situated in north-eastern New Brunswick. He died accidentally on October 8, 2003 at the age of 73.




 Mgr Ernest Léger

Fourth Archbishop Moncton (1997-2002)


  Most Reverend Ernest Léger replaced Most Reverend Chiasson as archbishop of Moncton in 1997 and tendered his resignation in March 2002. He is presently the parish priest in the parish of Plantagenet in Ottawa. 






Mgr André Richard, c.s.c.

Fifth Archbishop of Moncton (2002-2012)


   Mgr André Richard was born in Saint-Ignace, Kent county, N.-B., on June 30, 1937. He retrired in August 2012.





Mgr Valery Vienneau

Sixth Archbishop of Moncton (2012-2023)


   Mgr Valery Vienneau was born in Cap Pelé, Northumberland county, N.B., on October 13, 1947. He retrired in October 2023.
