A Message for Environmental Action, from the Laudato Si Committee

Did you know?
After decades of climate negotiations, fossil fuels have finally been dragged (kicking and screaming) on to centre stage. It’s all so difficult, because what we use every day, what we rely on, what we believe we need to maintain our way of life, is actually killing the planet. Couple oil, gas and coal together with all the plastic that is choking our oceans and landfill sites, and a person could get pretty discouraged.
So, what is the world trying to do about it all and how can we help?
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (https ://fossilfueltreaty.org)
A treaty is working its way across the globe, country by country, looking for an agreement to stop the expansion of new fossil fuel projects (that’s coal, oil and gas). It will be most difficult for developed countries like Canada because we’ve gotten used to a certain way of life, but it has to be done.
Global Plastics Treaty (https://wwf.panda.org/act/plastic_pollution_treaty/)
People vs Plastics. Did you know that 99% of all plastics are made from fossil fuels? Pollution from plastics touches every corner of the globe, reaching the deepest parts of our oceans and even contaminating rainwater. Again, developed countries will be in a battle to transition away from our reliance (and the convenience) of plastic, but it has to be done.