Calendar Events

Thursday | 18h00
  • Let us take a deep dive Into the Sunday Gospel

Start Date: October 6th Saint Lawrence O’Toole, October 7th St. Augustine’s

Under the guidance of Saint Thomas Aquinas and his thorough study of the Church’s teachings of the Gospels in his book “The Golden Chain” ; we invite you to join us weekly, starting October 6th, for an hour of study on the upcoming Sunday Gospel. We will explore what the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Catholic Church preached and wrote about. We will discover what our Popes had to say about the Gospel and how they used them to guide us in their encyclicals.  To register and receive further links, please contact Charlie Farrell at 857-4223 or .  Weekly sessions, in person or via Zoom, each week at Saint Lawrence O’Toole on Thursday evenings 6:00pm followed by an hour of Adoration or at St. Augustine’s on Friday mornings 11:00am followed by Mass at noon and Adoration.

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