Calendrier des événements

jeudi | 18h30
  • Understanding Homelessness: Pathways, Myths, Real Solutions

A Way to Put Our Faith into Action This Lent:  on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. at St. Bernard's Church, Lisa Ryan, a passionate advocate and speaker on many complex social issues like homelessness will facilitate conversation in a relaxed and open environment providing insight into one of the most current and misunderstood issues facing us today. We will discuss myths, reveal truths, and outline clear and proven solutions that are successfully ending homelessness all over the world.

This is an initiative of the Adult Faith Commission and all are invited and encouraged to attend.  We are hoping to create a pool of gifts from folks in all our faith communities that can be used to "help the helpers".  There is a great need of the talents you have to offer;  talents you may not have thought would be useful, such as Notaries, Nurses (retired or active), hairdressers, or a person who has time to just sit for coffee with someone once a week.  We all have something to offer.  If you would like to attend please contact Mark Mahoney at or call 386-6178 to register.

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